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Communication and Negotiation Techniques When Dealing with a Board
Communication Techniques

Communication and Negotiation Techniques When Dealing with a Board

When you deal with a board, you’re in a high-stakes negotiation. Whether your goal is buying a company, getting investment in a fund, or encouraging...

5 Tips for Improving Communication in the Workplace
Communication Techniques

5 Tips for Improving Communication in the Workplace

Poor communication can have a devastating impact on any workplace environment. Not only does it derail productivity, frustrate employees, and damage...

The Conflict Resolution Strategies That Will Save Your Relationships
Communication Techniques

The Conflict Resolution Strategies That Will Save Your Relationships

To get your point across AND save your relationships, implement this mechanism when you’re in a disagreement: “Before I disagree, let me make sure I...

How to Approach Difficult Conversations with Co-workers
Communication Techniques

How to Approach Difficult Conversations with Co-workers

Though I’ve retired from active duty, I’m still a reserve deputy in my local county. Recently, a new assistant chief came into the department and...

4 Ways to Get Everything You Want in a Contract Negotiation
Communication Techniques

4 Ways to Get Everything You Want in a Contract Negotiation

Every negotiator wants the same thing: getting exactly what we want every time we sit down at the table.

The Most Underutilized Negotiation Skill
Communication Techniques

The Most Underutilized Negotiation Skill

The first time I ever handled a hostage negotiation, the whole thing was over in five minutes. I thought that negotiation was easy and that I was a...

What Is The Black Swan Group's Negotiation 9™ (N9™)?
Communication Techniques

What Is The Black Swan Group's Negotiation 9™ (N9™)?

The Black Swan Group’s Negotiation 9™ (N9™) are the nine skills that make it easy to achieve Tactical Empathy™ (TE™) —the best way to accomplish...

Why Good Cop, Bad Cop in a Negotiation is a Terrible Idea
Communication Techniques

Why Good Cop, Bad Cop in a Negotiation is a Terrible Idea

If you’ve ever seen practically any movie that involves police officers, you’re familiar with the good cop/bad cop negotiation strategy. During an...

Communication Skills: How to Deliver Bad News
Communication Techniques

Communication Skills: How to Deliver Bad News

In an ideal world, everything would be rosy, and you’d never have to deliver bad news to your direct reports. But there comes a time when every...

Communication Skills: How Leaders Can Regain Trust
Communication Techniques

Communication Skills: How Leaders Can Regain Trust

Even though you’re a leader, you’re still a human being—which means that from time to time, you’re going to make mistakes. That’s just the way it is....

How Are Negotiation and Interpersonal Communication Related?
Communication Techniques

How Are Negotiation and Interpersonal Communication Related?

You might be the best negotiator in the world. But if you don’t know how to deal with people and treat them with respect, you won’t get the results...

3 Guaranteed Ways to Increase Your Communication Success
Communication Techniques

3 Guaranteed Ways to Increase Your Communication Success

This blog was originally published on 11/23/2015 and updated on 9/10/2020. Everyone is always looking to increase their chances of success. It’s...

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