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Components of Emotional Intelligence in Negotiation
Negotiation Tactics

Components of Emotional Intelligence in Negotiation

The best negotiators and most effective leaders possess high levels of emotional intelligence, or a high emotional quotient (EQ), meaning the ability...

Negotiation Training: The Top 10 Black Swan Go-To Labels™
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Training: The Top 10 Black Swan Go-To Labels™

At Black Swan, we’re huge proponents of using Labels™ to arrive at the best outcomes. With an effective use of Labels, you’re able to unearth what...

How Can Sales Negotiation Training Help My Team?
Improving Sales

How Can Sales Negotiation Training Help My Team?

No matter how effective your sales team is, it can always improve. If you’re on the fence about whether it’s worthwhile to invest in sales...

3 Sales Negotiation Tips for Women
How to Negotiate

3 Sales Negotiation Tips for Women

When a woman sits down at the negotiating table, her counterpart may harbor a number of preconceived notions about her, sometimes consciously but...

Price Negotiation: How to Get the Best Deal Every Time
Negotiation Training

Price Negotiation: How to Get the Best Deal Every Time

Whether someone is buying a new car or making a multi-million dollar business deal, who wants to pay a single penny more than they absolutely need...

Infographic: The Black Swan Group's Negotiation 9™️️️ (N9™️️️)

Infographic: The Black Swan Group's Negotiation 9™️️️ (N9™️️️)

Negotiation is a science as well as an art. When you have all the right ingredients, magic can happen. The Black Swan Group’s negotiation concepts...

How to Separate Needs vs. Wants in a Negotiation
Preparing to Negotiate

How to Separate Needs vs. Wants in a Negotiation

In every negotiation, each side has things they need to have and things they want to have.

Don't Sell Yourself Short! 5 Ways for Women to Get Equal Pay
Salary Negotiation

Don't Sell Yourself Short! 5 Ways for Women to Get Equal Pay

When you’re hired as a police officer in the public sector, you get paid the same whether you are a man or a woman. Compensation is largely based on...

Why Negotiation Training is the Best Investment for 2021
Negotiation Tactics

Why Negotiation Training is the Best Investment for 2021

These days, people aren’t going to conferences and in-person events anymore, and it appears as though that will remain the case for the foreseeable...

4 Ways to Get Everything You Want in a Contract Negotiation
Communication Techniques

4 Ways to Get Everything You Want in a Contract Negotiation

Every negotiator wants the same thing: getting exactly what we want every time we sit down at the table.

Negotiation Training: The 7 Deadly Sins of Negotiation
Negotiation Mistakes

Negotiation Training: The 7 Deadly Sins of Negotiation

What are The Black Swan Group’s 7 Deadly Sins of Negotiation™ and how can you ensure you don’t fall victim to them? Here’s what you need to know.

The Most Underutilized Negotiation Skill
Communication Techniques

The Most Underutilized Negotiation Skill

The first time I ever handled a hostage negotiation, the whole thing was over in five minutes. I thought that negotiation was easy and that I was a...

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Better listening. Better questions. Better outcomes.

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