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How to Successfully Negotiate Salary with a New Hire
Salary Negotiation

How to Successfully Negotiate Salary with a New Hire

It’s no secret that companies are having a hard time hiring talent. In fact, one report found that 52 percent of small businesses are struggling to...

Don't Sell Yourself Short! 5 Ways for Women to Get Equal Pay
Salary Negotiation

Don't Sell Yourself Short! 5 Ways for Women to Get Equal Pay

When you’re hired as a police officer in the public sector, you get paid the same whether you are a man or a woman. Compensation is largely based on...

How to Demolish Your 2021 Sales Goals
Improving Sales

How to Demolish Your 2021 Sales Goals

Every top-performing sales team is focused on the same thing: getting consistently better results over time.

How to Prepare for a Virtual Job Interview
How to Negotiate

How to Prepare for a Virtual Job Interview

If we’ve learned one thing during COVID-19, it’s that it’s not that hard to maintain already-established relationships virtually. But what about...

Infographic: 5 Tips to Negotiating Your Best Salary
Salary Negotiation

Infographic: 5 Tips to Negotiating Your Best Salary

To at least some extent, we all work for money. Even if you’re incredibly enthusiastic about your job, you still have bills to pay and a financial...

How To Effectively Negotiate A Raise
How to Negotiate

How To Effectively Negotiate A Raise

Bosses reward people they trust and who are effective. And when in doubt? They lean towards those they trust. Here’s how to achieve both.

Communication at Work: How to Negotiate A Higher Salary
Communication Techniques

Communication at Work: How to Negotiate A Higher Salary

What happens when you trigger “That’s right” several times in a salary negotiation? How about getting a salary offer 41% higher than you expected?...

2 Steps to Sun Tzu Your Salary Negotiations
Salary Negotiation

2 Steps to Sun Tzu Your Salary Negotiations

Sun Tzu's The Art of War presents two principles that I teach my students and clients to use in salary negotiations. “Attack where he is unprepared.”...

How to Crush Your Salary Negotiation
Salary Negotiation

How to Crush Your Salary Negotiation

“How can I be guaranteed to be involved in projects critical to the company’s future?” Ask this in every job and salary negotiation. Every time....

The Top 4 Tips for Negotiating a Better Salary
Salary Negotiation

The Top 4 Tips for Negotiating a Better Salary

Every MBA class I lecture to, I tell them my first objective is to single-handedly raise the ranking of their school. One of the critical factors in...

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