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2 Mistakes To Avoid When You First Start Negotiating
Negotiation Mistakes

2 Mistakes To Avoid When You First Start Negotiating

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make when they’re first using our skills is not treating it like learning a new language. When you’re...

This is Why Everything is Really a Negotiation
Negotiation Tactics

This is Why Everything is Really a Negotiation

What’s negotiation anyway? When most people think about negotiation, their mind immediately goes to bickering about price.

3 Icebreakers to Help You Actually Start Practicing Negotiation
Negotiation Training

3 Icebreakers to Help You Actually Start Practicing Negotiation

We all want to get good at a skill. Unfortunately, most of us get stuck in the “reading about it” phase. We read a dozen self-help, personal...

Why a Lack of Self-Confidence Can Harm a Negotiation
Negotiation Training

Why a Lack of Self-Confidence Can Harm a Negotiation

According to the dictionary, self-confidence is “confidence in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities.” But in negotiation, self-confidence is...

What You Need to Know About Tactical Empathy®
Negotiation Training

What You Need to Know About Tactical Empathy®

Tactical Empathy® is all about understanding the other side. It doesn’t mean you feel how they feel—just that you can gain valuable information so...

Negotiation Training: The Top 4 ‘No-Oriented’ Questions
Negotiation Training

Negotiation Training: The Top 4 ‘No-Oriented’ Questions

Yes doesn’t always mean yes. This is why shrewd negotiators don’t aim for yes, but instead try to get their counterparts to say no. In this...

3 Places You Need to Be Using an Accusation Audit®
Negotiation Tactics

3 Places You Need to Be Using an Accusation Audit®

To help clients get the negotiation outcomes they’re aiming for, The Black Swan Group advises using Accusation Audits®, a preemptive technique...

Your 1 Way to Becoming Extraordinary: Harness Real Empathy
Tactical Empathy

Your 1 Way to Becoming Extraordinary: Harness Real Empathy

There’s no question that everyone has some understanding of empathy. Your first instinctual reaction to the title of this article was probably...

This Secret Skill is How You Nail a Cold Call
How to Negotiate

This Secret Skill is How You Nail a Cold Call

Cold calling might be the most unpleasant part of working in sales. You have to somehow manage to charm a stranger into donating or buying a product...

How Poor Communication Can Negatively Impact Your Relationships
Communication Techniques

How Poor Communication Can Negatively Impact Your Relationships

It’s always the classic scenario: the dreaded, terrible first date. We see it all the time on reality TV or social media— one person talked about...

The #1 Thing That’s Killing Your Personal Relationships
Negotiation and Personal Relationships

The #1 Thing That’s Killing Your Personal Relationships

Let’s experiment with something. Have you ever had this conversation with a loved one?

Our Groundbreaking Method is Emotional Intelligence on Steroids
How to Negotiate

Our Groundbreaking Method is Emotional Intelligence on Steroids

At its core, Tactical Empathy® isn’t what makes the Black Swan skills work. Instead, it’s what happens when you use the skills correctly.

Harness the Power of Tactical Empathy®

Better listening. Better questions. Better outcomes.

Questions? We're here to help.