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Unlocking Negotiation Success: Key Strategies for Prepping Like a Pro
How to Negotiate

Unlocking Negotiation Success: Key Strategies for Prepping Like a Pro

Many of us believe we are proficient listeners. We lead successful lives, often attributing our communication skills to our achievements. However,...

What’s the Difference Between Sympathy and Empathy?
How to Negotiate

What’s the Difference Between Sympathy and Empathy?

People always confuse sympathy with empathy, but they are vastly different concepts. At a high level, sympathy is about using common ground and...

This Secret Skill is How You Nail a Cold Call
How to Negotiate

This Secret Skill is How You Nail a Cold Call

Cold calling might be the most unpleasant part of working in sales. You have to somehow manage to charm a stranger into donating or buying a product...

Our Groundbreaking Method is Emotional Intelligence on Steroids
How to Negotiate

Our Groundbreaking Method is Emotional Intelligence on Steroids

At its core, Tactical Empathy® isn’t what makes the Black Swan skills work. Instead, it’s what happens when you use the skills correctly.

What Are the Laws of Negotiation Gravity™?
How to Negotiate

What Are the Laws of Negotiation Gravity™?

The Black Swan Group’s Laws of Negotiation Gravity™ are negotiation laws we’ve proven true through trial and error and neuroscience.

10 Phrases That Reveal (Dangerous) Hidden Negotiations
How to Negotiate

10 Phrases That Reveal (Dangerous) Hidden Negotiations

“The most dangerous negotiation is the one you don’t know you’re in.” What hidden negotiations drain your time (your most valuable commodity) each...

Why Explaining Too Early Is Hurting Your Closing Rate
Communication Techniques

Why Explaining Too Early Is Hurting Your Closing Rate

As Ronald Reagan once said: If you’re explaining, you’re losing. So if you’re constantly explaining at the negotiation table, your closing rate will...

How to Say “No” in a Negotiation
How to Negotiate

How to Say “No” in a Negotiation

Saying no is the most assertive thing you can do in a negotiation, meaning you should only do it when absolutely necessary. We encourage clients to...

Black Swan Negotiation Skills Training: Quick 2+1™
How to Negotiate

Black Swan Negotiation Skills Training: Quick 2+1™

We start every Black Swan live training session with the same exercise: the Quick 2+1™. It’s our foundational skill set. At the end of the day,...

Communication Skills: 3 Ways To Make “No” Work For You
Communication Techniques

Communication Skills: 3 Ways To Make “No” Work For You

Does yes really always mean yes? Absolutely not. When we say yes, we’re committing to something. And immediately after we’ve committed, we begin...

How To Get Buy-In With The 3 Most Effective Communication Techniques
Communication Techniques

How To Get Buy-In With The 3 Most Effective Communication Techniques

This blog was originally published on 03/6/2017 and updated on 7/16/2020. Negotiation is an information-gathering process. It’s not about getting...

Let’s Put ‘Yes’ Out of Its Misery. ‘Yes’ Is Not Agreement.
How to Negotiate

Let’s Put ‘Yes’ Out of Its Misery. ‘Yes’ Is Not Agreement.

At its very best, yes is only an aspiration, a hope. But hope is not a strategy, and aspiration is not agreement. Here’s why. When Never Split the...

Harness the Power of Tactical Empathy®

Better listening. Better questions. Better outcomes.

Questions? We're here to help.