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Overcome Weaknesses as a Negotiator: Assertive Personality
Communication Techniques

Overcome Weaknesses as a Negotiator: Assertive Personality

Whenever you find yourself at an impasse in a negotiation, you need to know how you got there. We need to admit that the approach we use to get...

Overcoming Weaknesses as a Negotiator: Analyst Personality
Negotiation Tactics

Overcoming Weaknesses as a Negotiator: Analyst Personality

Whenever we sit down at the table, we need to understand that the counterpart is not the same person as us. Assuming they think like you and share...

Sales and Negotiation Skills Training: High-Performing Mindset
Negotiation Tactics

Sales and Negotiation Skills Training: High-Performing Mindset

Many negotiators are stifled by what business coach Dan Sullivan calls the gap or fixed mindset. Conversely, the best negotiators in the world see...

How To Get Buy-In With The 3 Most Effective Communication Techniques
Communication Techniques

How To Get Buy-In With The 3 Most Effective Communication Techniques

This blog was originally published on 03/6/2017 and updated on 7/16/2020. Negotiation is an information-gathering process. It’s not about getting...

What Type of Negotiation Are You Walking Into?
Preparing to Negotiate

What Type of Negotiation Are You Walking Into?

At a high level, The Black Swan Group believes that all negotiations are the same. Whenever you find yourself in a negotiation, regardless of the...

How to Improve Your Sales Performance with Thought-Shaping Questions
Improving Sales

How to Improve Your Sales Performance with Thought-Shaping Questions

A Thought-Shaping Question™ shapes your counterpart’s thoughts and makes them realize things they might not have thought of otherwise. They are...

How to Use Negotiation Tactics Over Chat Apps
Negotiation Tactics

How to Use Negotiation Tactics Over Chat Apps

Just because you can negotiate through chat apps and text messages doesn’t mean you should. Ultimately, every exchange you have over text should be...

Components of Emotional Intelligence in Negotiation
Negotiation Tactics

Components of Emotional Intelligence in Negotiation

The best negotiators and most effective leaders possess high levels of emotional intelligence, or a high emotional quotient (EQ), meaning the ability...

When to Focus an Accusation Audit™ Internally and Externally
Negotiation Tactics

When to Focus an Accusation Audit™ Internally and Externally

If you’re new to the term, an Accusation Audit™ is a negotiation technique used to proactively address the negatives likely harbored by the other...

Communication and Negotiation Techniques When Dealing with a Board
Communication Techniques

Communication and Negotiation Techniques When Dealing with a Board

When you deal with a board, you’re in a high-stakes negotiation. Whether your goal is buying a company, getting investment in a fund, or encouraging...

3 Ways to Master Sales Negotiations
Improving Sales

3 Ways to Master Sales Negotiations

At Black Swan, we’re always working hard to help people like you become better negotiators. In my experience, reaching your full potential as a...

How Can Sales Negotiation Training Help My Team?
Improving Sales

How Can Sales Negotiation Training Help My Team?

No matter how effective your sales team is, it can always improve. If you’re on the fence about whether it’s worthwhile to invest in sales...

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