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How to Become an Assertive Negotiator
Negotiation Tactics

How to Become an Assertive Negotiator

Because you’re reading these words, chances are that you want to become an Assertive negotiator. Stop it! It’s time to let go of that desire. The...

How to Build Rapport Quickly in Any Situation
How to Negotiate

How to Build Rapport Quickly in Any Situation

At the end of the day, people like doing business with people they like. This is why it’s so important to build rapport as quickly as you can...

Why the Best Question Is the One You Never Ask
Negotiation Tactics

Why the Best Question Is the One You Never Ask

Questions are universally known as necessary mechanisms to gather information from another party. Although this still rings true to a certain extent,...

Infographic: How to Negotiate Through the Sales Process
Improving Sales

Infographic: How to Negotiate Through the Sales Process

A lot of salespeople go into meetings with potential buyers and spend their time trying to educate them about their products. But that’s awareness...

4 Ways to Get Everything You Want in a Contract Negotiation
Communication Techniques

4 Ways to Get Everything You Want in a Contract Negotiation

Every negotiator wants the same thing: getting exactly what we want every time we sit down at the table.

Why Good Cop, Bad Cop in a Negotiation is a Terrible Idea
Communication Techniques

Why Good Cop, Bad Cop in a Negotiation is a Terrible Idea

If you’ve ever seen practically any movie that involves police officers, you’re familiar with the good cop/bad cop negotiation strategy. During an...

How to Teach Your Sales Team to Negotiate Better Deals
Improving Sales

How to Teach Your Sales Team to Negotiate Better Deals

Whether your sales team is crushing it every month or struggling to reach targets, you can always get better results. One of the main reasons sales...

3 Tips to Win Your Next Sales Negotiation in a Virtual World
Improving Sales

3 Tips to Win Your Next Sales Negotiation in a Virtual World

Many sales negotiations have moved online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of sitting across the table from someone, sales teams are now hopping...

5 Steps to Negotiate Through the Sales Process
Improving Sales

5 Steps to Negotiate Through the Sales Process

If you read my previous post, “Why the Traditional Sales Process Is Wrong,” you know that we’re not big fans of the traditional sales process here at...

Why the Traditional Sales Process Is Wrong
Improving Sales

Why the Traditional Sales Process Is Wrong

I struggle with the whole idea of the sales process in general. Granted, I haven’t worked in every industry on the planet. But even though I’ve...

How to Prepare for a Virtual Job Interview
How to Negotiate

How to Prepare for a Virtual Job Interview

If we’ve learned one thing during COVID-19, it’s that it’s not that hard to maintain already-established relationships virtually. But what about...

Negotiation Training: How To Make A Counter-Proposal?
How to Negotiate

Negotiation Training: How To Make A Counter-Proposal?

This blog was originally published on 5/28/2018 and updated on 9/10/2020. When you’re responding to a counterproposal, you need to make sure you...

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